Autumn is here and soon the nights and even days will start to get darker and greyer, making our homes feel grim and unwelcoming.  Natural light is one of the few things that your home can’t have too much of, especially when you are looking to sell. Light can make any space feel bigger and give a property a warm feeling and a sense of home. There are many things you can do to bring more light into your home without having to undertake a major renovation. We have some great and handy tips for sellers on how to make your home look brighter and, as a result, bigger.

Clever Use of Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors bounce light around a room and if you place a mirror across from a window, angled right, the natural light will be reflected into the darkest areas of the room.  Mirrors are wonderful for making a room look brighter and more spacious, but so are other shiny and reflective surfaces. In your living toom or even bedroom, think about adding some metallic or mirrored furniture or accents to help reflect light around the room.

Stainless steel appliances in your kitchen combined with sleek white cabinets will make your kitchen look brighter.  In your kitchen and bathroom you could also look at using glass tiles or backsplashes.  In the right conditions, glass tiles will reflect close to 100 per cent of the light that hits them.  Instead of glass, you could also look at highly glossy ceramic tiles as these have nearly the same reflective effect.  When it comes to light reflection, the superior choice of tile is the subway tile but you can’t beat metallic backsplash tiles for maximum reflection.

Your Choice of Window Dressing

We use curtains and blinds to block out the light but also for privacy, and even when opening your curtains before a viewing there are some rooms that just won’t be able to carry dark velvet drapes without the light being sucked away. Think about swapping your window dressing for lighter shades and make sure that all blinds are fully open before a viewing begins.

The Best Paint

Your choice of paint can transform any room, making it look cleaner, more relaxing, cosier and, of course, brighter.  It will be of no surprise that neutral shades such as whites and pastels will make a room look brighter, but whilst you’re deciding which colour to choose, leave testing splotches on your wall for over 24 hours, this way you will be able to see which looks the best in the differing light throughout the day.

The paint shade you choose for your interior walls is one way to reflect natural light back into your rooms.  Nothing is brighter than a white stain, which will also make your home look clean and fresh.  If you’re not a fan of white, look at the varying shades of off white to see if that works better for you. But remember, this is the home you are leaving, so the colour should be chosen to enhance your home’s features and attract potential buyers – you can have fun with colour when you are settled in your new home.

Don’t forget your ceiling when you’re decorating. The reason most ceilings are white is because white reflects light, yet ceilings can often go unnoticed. Choose a matte finish for your ceilings, as this reduces the glare – plus, they don’t need the washability of gloss paints because they won’t get touched as much or filled with children’s wonderful and unexpected art work!


Sometimes it can be hard getting light into a dark room without adding a new window – you don’t have to go to such an expense, instead play with the light you already have. Angle your furniture towards the light so that it reflects off it, especially if it is pale in colour.  You may not be able to get more sunlight into your room but a large light-coloured rug will help brighten it up, especially if you have darker floors.

Clutter also has a way of draining light from a room and making it feel claustrophobic and unwelcoming.  By decluttering, organising and minimising the amount of furniture you have in a space, it will feel larger and brighter as a result.

Importance of Light

Never forget the importance of light when selling your home, you don’t need to knock down walls to make a difference. If you want to understand the difference we can make to your selling experience, give our team a call.

How your home looks from the outside can be just as, if not more, important than how it looks on the inside. We all make first impressions, and when you only have moments to wow potential buyers you never want to miss a trick. Kerb appeal is a term used to describe your home’s appeal as you stand and look at it from the pavement. It’s that picture perfect moment when your house has the opportunity to scream ‘home’ to a potential buyer and can have a big influence on their decision to buy or not. Adding kerb appeal is one of the best ways you can get your home ready for sale and we have some fantastic subtle changes you can make to boost yours.

Spring clean

Years of living in a home can easily lead to a build-up of clutter that you don’t even realise you have, so before you do anything else, now is the perfect time to spring clean. To successfully sell your home you should never ignore any area, especially the first parts a buyer will see when they arrive on a viewing. Tidy away any weeds, dead plants and shrubs, undertake any repairs and clean away everything that doesn’t belong.

Add decorative elements

Old or new, you can give your home character and add a unique touch with a decorative element or two. One of the most popular features over the last year has been outdoor metal wall décor, from signs to symbols – it just adds that little something extra. It doesn’t matter if your house opens onto the street or you have an enclosed lawn area, any outdoor space can be transformed with a little imagination and creativity. If you can’t place a planter by your front door, what about a window box?

Make a statement

Your front door is the focal point of your home, it’s where the eye is drawn when someone passes by and can say a lot about a property. You want your front door to make a statement, one that exudes that what’s inside has been lovingly cared for. Ditch any tired façade and freshen up with a good clean and a bold paint colour that is in-keeping with your home’s architectural style. Check any covenants in case you need to stick to a required palette, from heritage shades to bright colours, keep it simple.

Room for a seat?

There is something about a bench or a seat at the front of a property that adds to that sense of ‘home’. This may not be possible for a lot of properties but if yours has the room consider adding a little something, combined with a couple of planters blooming with colour and you’ve created an area that people will want to enjoy.

Clean your gutters

There is one sure fire way for your home to give a bad first impression and that is through poor house maintenance, such as clogged or dripping gutters. If you are unable to do this job yourself, there are plenty of people locally who can, just ask our team for a recommendation. Potential buyers are drawn to homes that are well maintained rather than those that scream pound signs around every turn.

Paint and Power

Our wonderful British weather can make all surfaces look a bit weathered, whether it is a concrete step, a paved drive or a painted windowsill. Freshen up any painted concrete areas so they are looking pristine but make sure the colour matches the exterior or your home. Power wash paved areas – it’s amazing how quickly they can start looking like new. Don’t forget to clean all your windows too.

A garden in bloom

No matter what the season, you want any garden area to be looking its best, from your lawn to beds to pots, no area should be ignored. Give your lawn some love so that it’s looking green and luscious rather than brown and patchy. Invest in some seasonal plants and shrubs that will add colour even during the colder months; presenting a garden that is easy to care for will appeal to a wider range of buyers.

Add a light

The darker months are on their way, and even this summer we have had dark and grey days, so adding a great looking light at the front of your home goes a long way. It can complement the look and feel of your home as well as creating a warm welcome, regardless of what time of day a viewing takes place.

House number

Can you imagine how frustrating it could be for a buyer to not be able to find your home because they can’t see the house number? Your existing number could be chipped or faded, so why not upgrade to new digits to really make your home stand out? You could opt for traditional numbers on your door or for a contemporary or slate sign, just make sure it is cohesive with your home’s exterior décor.

Attract more buyers

If you wander around your neighbourhood you will notice those properties that command attention and those that fade into the background. Get your home’s kerb appeal right and you are bound to attract more potential buyers and get your home sold quickly. For more advice on how to get your home ready for sale, contact our team at Deakin-White.


There is nothing more exciting – or stressful – than seeing your moving date start to rush towards you. You have been looking forward to the day you can step foot in your new home, but you also look around you and feel overwhelmed. How will you be ready in time? It is always advisable to plan ahead, and we have some great tips that will make moving home less stressful by helping you to avoid some common and exhausting mistakes.

Don’t wait until the last minute

Have you started to prepare for your move? It is never too soon to get started – there are things you can do even before you place your home on the market. If you do a little here and there, the whole process won’t feel so insurmountable and, as your moving date approaches, you will feel a lot calmer. No matter where you are in the sales process one thing you can do now is start organising your move by decluttering.

Start decluttering now

Whether your home is yet to be placed on the market or you are in the midst of the sales process, it is never too early to start decluttering. We all accumulate a wealth of stuff over the years, from things that have moved into the attic never to be seen again, to drawers full of mystery, and do we mention those clothes that you’ll never wear again? Do you really want every tiny thing in to find its way to your new home, only to be stuffed away again?

This is a job you can do little by little; you may have a spare 10 minutes to sort out a drawer, or an afternoon to organise a bedroom. Sort things into:

* Keeping – will need before we move

* Keeping – but can pack it now ready for our move

* Donate

* Sell

* Bin

When you start to put things back, you will have less to do, which will help should you be looking to stage your home for sale. You will have some boxes already packed for your move, which means less to pack when the time comes. Make sure you label your boxes clearly, as this will make things a lot easier when you’re unpacking at the other end.

Forgetting to measure

You are no doubt taking a lot, if not all of your existing furniture, from your current home to your new one, but have you checked that it will all actually fit? It’s funny how our minds can play tricks on us and resize spaces or furniture when the reality can be a little bit different. If you haven’t already done so, organise a time to view your new home again but this time with a tape measure. This way, you will know for sure what furniture you can take with you, and what pieces you may have to get rid of before your move. This is far less stressful than arriving with a van full of your belongings and realising that the vision you had in your head cannot be achieved and then being left with things that won’t fit whilst you’re trying to make your new house feel like home.

Not organising your change of address

In the UK, we are lucky that Royal Mail can redirect post for a set amount of time, thus giving you some breathing space to check that you have changed your address on everything. As great as this is, it is still advantageous to plan your change of address in advance, even if companies won’t actually let you do it until after your move.

Start by making a list, from banks and subscriptions to the electoral roll. When you have a list to work through, it can make the process a lot easier and less time consuming. It is worth starting your list sooner rather than later as some organisations may only communicate with you a couple of times a year, whereas you may hear from others monthly.

Doing everything yourself

The idea of doing the whole move yourself can be attractive, especially if you’re only moving a short distance, but there is a lot more work than you could imagine. Yes, moving your possessions yourself could save you money compared to hiring a professional removal company, but it isn’t an easy job. Friends may offer to help you with your furniture, but bear in mind life happens and you could get let down at the last minute.

Moving furniture isn’t easy, and you will be moving a lot of it, plus boxes and general ‘stuff’ throughout the day. As the day moves on and you begin to tire, you will be more susceptible to injuries, or even an accident where something gets broken. There is knack to packing a van, knowing what to place where and how to make the best use of the space to protect belongings and ensure nothing is damaged in transit. A removal company will have the right equipment to protect any expensive furnishings and will make sure everything is packed correctly.

There are a wealth of removal companies locally, our past clients can share their thoughts and ask on local Facebook pages and groups for recommendations. It is worth investigating as this is one easy way of eliminating a physically and mentally exhausting moving mistake.

Not preparing to move with kids and pets

Moving day will be stressful enough without the added worry of what your children and pets are up to and if they are safe.  It will be difficult to keep them occupied whilst your attention is taken in another direction. Can your pets be cared for at a pet day care facility, and your children left with a friend of relative? They can have a day of fun and you can focus on your move. 

A smoother move

At Deakin-White we want to ensure your move to your new home isn’t exhausting and stressful, but smooth and enjoyable.  If you’re looking to move, we can make sure you have a wonderful experience from start to finish. Call our team today.

We can all agree that the last couple of years has been an experience. It has seen us separated from those we love, locked into neighbourhoods, and opened our eyes to what’s important.  For many, it has pressed them to make the massive change that is moving house, yet at Deakin-White we have found that there’s been one common denominator when it comes to motivation to move. Yes, some sellers may be looking for more space but what we are told again and again is that location, location, location is more important now than ever before.

The family incentive

Over the years, decades and generations, many things have pulled us apart – a desire to travel, relocating for work, love and lifestyle. As families, we have accepted living miles apart and coming together for celebrations and holidays. Yet the pandemic, as we know, put a halt to all socialising and travel and meant that, instead of weeks, the time between seeing each other in person turned into years.  This has been the driving force for some sellers to make the move to be closer to their loved ones. We have met with children taking the huge step to uproot their lives to settle closer to their parents, and parents doing the same to be close to their children and grandchildren. 

This desire for physical closeness is a fierce driver home moving, and also a very emotional one. These sellers are not moving because their house has become too big or too small, or because they have fallen out of love with their property or neighbourhood. The reality of leaving what they love can make these moves difficult, but, ultimately, they know that at the end of it they will finally be in easy distance of what really matters in their lives – those they love.

Change in lifestyle

Cities were the hub where all the action happened and, for many professionals, the only place to be should you wish to climb the career ladder. Now there has been a revolution, a change in perspective, a reality check as it were – a realisation that you really can have a work–life balance. With homeworking continuing for many and employers embracing a more flexible working culture, many sellers are leaving the city life to find their calm amidst the chaos.

Lockdown rules encouraged us all to get out and exercise, with many walking more than ever before – according to Tom Platt, of The Ramblers Association, 'People say they will continue to walk more when the Covid restrictions have ended.' It is therefore no surprise that we have found that many sellers are seeking a new home close to walking trails. Whether these sellers are heading for the hills or the beach, they are seeking a lifestyle that is in complete contrast to what they had been living before.

Rediscovering the beauty on our doorsteps

When you are not allowed to travel out of your local neighbourhood, it is amazing how much you discover is available on your doorstep. It’s as though your eyes have been opened to a new world, and the streets you once raced down, you now wander and take in slowly, seeing what each store has to offer and what’s at the end of that path. If you’re house no longer fits, once you have rediscovered the beauty on your doorstop, you may wish a new home but not a new location.

We love meeting sellers who have been reawakened to their little piece of beauty during the last couple of years, and although they feel they are ready to move home for one reason or another, there is one area of their search they will not compromise on, and that is the location.  They have fallen in love with where they live again, and we just love helping them find a buyer who feels exactly the same.

The best position

Understanding why you wish to move is crucial if we are to provide you with the finest service. We can ensure that your location-dictated move becomes a reality and works with the timescale you have in mind. If you’re motivated to sell because of location, location, location, contact the agent in the best position to sell your home, get in touch with our team.

A Deakin-White back-to-school guide for selling your home.

It’s that time of year where the summer holidays seem to be racing through our fingertips, and the start of the new school year is upon us. It’s also the time of year where many seek to place their home on the market in the hope that they can be enjoying Christmas in their new abode. Just as you’re getting things in place for your child’s new term, you should also be getting organised if you wish to sell your home this autumn. That’s why we have put together this back-to-school guide for selling your home - we don’t want you getting a detention!

Smart and presentable

Many children will be starting a new school and will have a brand-new uniform for their first day. Regardless of what they look like when they come home, you want them to arrive looking smart and presentable. Just as you want your children to give a good first impression at school, so do you for your home when you are preparing it for sale. No matter how it looks in normal daily life, the first impression you want buyers to have is of a beautifully organised home ready for them to make their own.

Getting to know you

From teachers to peers, it can be daunting at first getting to know others and working out who to trust. It can be the same when looking at which estate agent you want to represent you and your property when it comes onto the market. At Deakin-White we don’t just want to know about your home – by understanding your personal needs and circumstances we can provide a greater level of service. Every property has its weaknesses and strengths and it’s our job to utilise its unique personality to attract the right buyer and deliver you a successful outcome.

Addicted to stationery

Who didn’t used to pop to Woolworths to get all their pens, pencils, files and essential items for the start of the school year? It was a right of passage. You wanted to ensure that you’d thought of the small details as well as the big. This is exactly the thought process you should have when getting your home ready for a viewing. Don’t just ‘polish your shoes’, but really make your property shine by cleaning your windows and keeping surfaces clear of clutter. Then add those little finishing touches such as fresh flowers and perfectly placed accessories to bring your home to life.

Nervous and excited

Remember that feeling of the first day, whether it was at a new school or a new job, of being filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement. This is often how potential buyers feel when they arrive to view your property, and we want this feeling to continue long after they leave. This is why telling the story of your home is so essential – sharing your stories and memories in a way that provides them with an insight into what their lives could be like if they decided this was the house for them.

Listen to feedback

It can be hard to listen to feedback, whether on a Zoom parents’ evening about how your child has progressed through these difficult times, or what a buyer thought about your home during a viewing. Never make it personal – at the end of the day, we both want the same result, to see your home sold, and feedback is a great, constructive way to find out what buyers are thinking and discover any niggles that we can overcome. Issues can often be resolved, and by working together and using the feedback as a guide, we can find that ideal buyer quicker.

Out of your hands

When you sit down to take a test or exam, you do everything you can to achieve the highest score possible – but then the result is out of your hands. Once you have received an offer, we ask that you trust us to negotiate on your behalf. Our team are skilled negotiators who excel in achieving the best possible price for your property.

The best support

Having the best support around you can see you achieve even greater things at school, work and in life, and the same goes for selling your home. It isn’t just the choice of estate agent that is crucial to the success of your sale, but also your choice of solicitor, as it’s after the offer has been accepted that the real work begins. Always do your research so you know that you have the right team beside you who will ensure your move is smooth and successful.

Get it in on time

Getting an assignment or a piece of work in late is always met with disapproval, and could have knock-on effects. In a sale, not returning documentation or calls could create delays and even cause your sale to collapse, as parties get nervous and suspicious. You can’t use the ‘dog ate my homework’ excuse here – get your paperwork ready in advance so you can get it where it needs to be as quickly as possible.

Time to party

Every success should be celebrated, and you may already be planning the first party in your new home, bringing all your friends and family together at long last. We want to make sure that party happens, so contact our team today to get you through the gates of selling your home.

Are you hooked?

Like many across the UK, we have been completely swept up in Olympic fever, and what an incredible job our team are doing too. All the countless hours, weeks, years of sacrifice, training, and pushing themselves to the limits to achieve their dreams. You are on a similar journey, even though your dream goal may be different – you will have made sacrifices to save your deposit, you will have been learning about the buying process and the local property market, and be ready to meet the challenges that are set to face you. So to celebrate Team GB, we are going to share how to buy a home in Olympic style.

Leave the past behind you

You may have had a nightmare experience so far and, like many people in today’s market, you could be finding your search challenging. Your dream home could have slipped through your fingers – maybe you’ve been outbid, or had some other horrible experience that has left a bitter taste. Over in Tokyo there are athletes who have been plagued by injured or even had Covid twice – Tom Dean, not mentioning any names. Yet regardless of the events in their past, they have found a way to draw a line under them and live in the here and now.

Don’t let the past hinder your current search, see it as a fresh start and go for it with the same vigour (although possibly a little bit wiser) as you did on day one.

Never give up

13 years

4 Olympic games

1 gold medal

Yes, we are talking proudly of Tom Daley, of course. We have seen him grow from boy, to man, to a father, and yet through it all he has never given up. Does it really matter how many properties you see, how many estate agents you call and keep calling, how many viewings you attend? What matters at the end of it all is that you find your very own gold medal in your dream home.

Life goes on

Keeping with Tom Daley, he vows that his love for knitting and crocheting has kept him sane through the pressure and strain of competing in Tokyo. It’s not a hobby that you would typically expect for an athlete, but it shows that even when you have a dream you also need a distraction. If you put your sole focus on your search, you can become tunnel-visioned, with your requirements exhaustive and your expectations unrealistic.

Taking time away to just get on with normal life will allow you to keep the bigger picture in mind and, as such, you will have more of an open mind. Opening the door to a wider range of homes, we give you perspective – you could fall for something unexpected that ends up exceeding your dreams.

It’s not over until it’s over

What drama it is watching the Taekwondo – the way everything can change in the very last seconds. Although there has been heartbreak, they should all be incredibly proud. Buying a home can sometimes feel like you are in a Taekwondo match, as just when you think you are winning, something is thrown at you in the last second. Don’t panic, work with your team to make sure it can be resolved as quickly as possible.

It is a team effort

Speaking of teams, you need to make sure you have a winning one on your side. From mortgage brokers to conveyancers, everyone you choose to act on your behalf will have an impact on the speed and success of your home-buying journey. Olympic athletes have a very strong team around them, from coaches, to trainers, to – actually, that’s probably it. You don’t need a huge team working for you, but don’t underestimate the importance of working with the right people, as together they will make sure you succeed in buying that home of your dreams.

Be Adam Peaty

Do everything in your power to get the edge on all the other buyers around you. Get your mortgage in principle, become friends with all the estate agents, remind the agents what an amazing position you’re in and why you’re a buyer of Olympic proportions. When you put yourself in the gold medal position, you may find the process of finding your dream home that little bit easier.

If you believe you are a buyer with Olympic potential, call us today on and we will be pleased to help you find a gold medal worthy home.


Selling your home is an art, and your success can largely depend on how you prepare your home for sale. Bathrooms really do have the potential to make or break a sale – a new or well-maintained bathroom can say a lot about a home, whereas the alternative screams pound signs, something no potential buyer cares to see.  With the high cost of replacing a bathroom, it is no wonder that how yours is presented could potentially break the sale. Buyers want to see a spa-like sanctuary, a place they can go and relax, so stand in the doorway of your bathroom and ask yourself: is my bathroom aiding the sale of my home?

Unsightly view

We have all seen them whilst flicking through properties online, those bathrooms filled with everyday items and toiletries making the room look far from attractive.  That toothbrush in its holder, toothpaste on the sink – although this is normal life, you have to change your thinking and turn your bathroom into more of a chic hotel setting.  Every surface needs to be clear, with only a small selection of items on display, such as a couple of carefully placed luxury bottles. Get inspiration from hotels, interior magazines and Instagram, where bathrooms are elegantly staged to create a luxurious space that no buyer would want to leave.

Is there space?

No matter the room, space is always something that buyers crave. If they feel like storage is an issue, it can make them contemplate whether your property is going to be big enough for them. Buyers will naturally want to have a nosey in cupboards, which is why you need to make sure that your bathroom cabinets are clean and beautifully organised. Use baskets or boxes to organise and store items on your shelves, as this gives a clean and tidy look.

Bring back the shine

Of course, a bathroom is going to lose its shine over time, but missing or mouldy grout really isn’t that attractive and will no doubt be the first thing your potential buyers see. You would be amazed how quickly they can begin to question the asking price of your property if they don’t feel it has been well maintained. Make sure your bathroom is cared for and loved, so that when they start to think about an offer, they will want it to be competitive so that your home doesn’t slip through their fingers.


Make it sparkle

From taps to showerheads, from the bath to the sink, every inch of your bathroom should be sparkling clean. Don’t forget your shower door – there are some great tools that can keep this looking super clean. If you have a shower curtain, just grab a new one for the viewings – ideally one that is a neutral design and works with the colours of your bathroom.

Fluffy and white

You know when you stay at a nice hotel or resort and they have those gloriously fluffy white towels and bathrobes? When it comes to towels, you want them looking their best for viewings, which is why at Deakin-White we always recommend that you purchase some ‘viewing’ towels. These brand new white and fluffy towels are only to be put out when you have a viewing, so you know they will always be ready to look their best, even if you have very little notice.

Bring the outside in

One easy way to transform your bathroom is to bring in the outdoors by incorporating plants and natural textures. Plants can also help filter out any toxins that may be in the air, and humidity-loving plants thrive in a bathroom environment. Plants will add colour and personality to a room with very little effort, and you don’t need a big bathroom either. But a swell as providing some decoration they are also known to purify the air and release natural oils – they can even lower your stress levels, which is ideal when you are wanting to soak in a long hot bubble bath.

Don’t forget the scents

Viewing a property is a sensory experience, your mind is soaking in everything it sees, hears, touches and, of course, smells. When you think of a luxurious bathroom, you want the room to be filled with calming scents such as lavender, peppermint, citrus or rosemary. It’s about matching the scent to the vibe and style of your bathroom, as mismatched aromas can confuse the senses. You want buyers to be excited by the ambience you have created.

Every room counts

It is essential to remember, when selling your home, that every room counts. If you take time to truly prepare your home for sale, you will reap the rewards in estate agent valuations and subsequent offers. For more advice on how to prepare each room of your home for sale contact our sales team.


We have seen an extremely busy property market over the last 12 months. Buyers have been out in force and some houses have gone from listed to under offer in a matter of hours. This heightened activity has seen people battling for homes and, in some cases, making rushed decisions just so they can get their hands on somewhere to call home. Yet it’s not every day we buy a property and so, due to a lack of experience in this kind of purchase, there is going to be a level of anxiety about making such a huge life and economic decision. Buyers’ remorse is all too common, whether we’ve splurged on a new gadget, designer handbag or even a night out (yes, we can have these now!). Unlike ‘stuff’, a house is something you will be stuck with for a number of years, so if you are looking around the property you now own with regret, we have some tips to help you survive.

What is buyer’s remorse?

Buyers’ remorse is defined by psychologists as a type of cognitive dissonance, a battle of consumption. When you are thinking of buying something, there will be a war of opposing forces battling inside your head. The avoidance system will tell you to avoid taking risks, whereas the approach system is pushing you to do whatever makes you happy. When you have made your decision, you will go through a period of mental discomfort caused by these two conflicting sides.

I wonder if I really wanted this house?

I wonder whether I should have bought this house at all?

I wonder if I have made the right choice?

I wonder if I rushed into making a decision?

Your discomfort is going to be more severe buying a house than a phone, due to the size of the financial investment. As humans, we tend to rationalise the purchases we have made, telling ourselves it was the right financial decision, the house is in the ideal location. When we struggle to find a post-purchase rationalisation, we develop remorse. At Deakin-White we understand how soul-destroying these negative feelings can be, but we hope by looking at common issues in a different light, you will start to see you made the right decision after all.

Location, Location, Location

As we know location is really important when buying a new home. You may have had a dream street or village but feel you were priced out of the market there, and now you are regretting making this huge compromise. If you focus on what could have been rather than what you have, you may never truly settle in your new home, which is never a good place to be. Your preferred location has gone, but what do you really know about where you now live?

Get out exploring and chat to local businesses about what there is in the area that you can do or get involved in. The more connected you start to feel to the neighbourhood and community, the sooner this ‘not so good’ location could turn into something exciting and full of potential. You never truly know somewhere until you live there and start to embrace what is on offer, so get exploring.

The surprise project

Many buyers will purchase a property with the intention of undertaking works to make it their own, but some may quickly discover there is more to upgrade and repair in their new home than they had anticipated. This shock of a revelation can quickly see you starting to dislike your new home before you have had chance to live in it, and who can blame you? With the costs of maintenance and repairs not being something you had budgeted for, it can all feel completely overwhelming.

Take a moment and remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. Yes, this home of your dreams could turn into a nightmare – but only if you let it win. Get the superficial jobs done first, a new lick of paint and a good spring clean, then just start to get to know your new home, quirks and all. You may have a jobs list as long as your arm but take it one at a time and, with each change, this home will start to become your own. If you are in the ideal location and the property is amazing, then celebrate – your doubts are all based on something that you can change and resolve.

The size isn’t right

Our minds can play tricks on us during viewings and you can leave with a perception of the property that may be an embellishment on reality. Room sizes can grow and shrink – you can arrive to find that the piece of furniture you wanted to place under the stairs doesn’t fit, or that your dining set looks lost in the grand room. No two homes are the same, and trying to fit one home inside another isn’t always the best option, even if it is the most economical.

Every home has a style of its own, whether that’s period or contemporary. Rooms can dictate how they want to be furnished and, as life changes, you may need to live in the space a different way. You may believe your new home is too big or too small, but as we know, it is actually just right – you just need to find that special furnishing solution to provide you with what you need.

Buyers’ remorse is normal

Unlike other remorseful purchases, we are afraid there is no return policy when you buy a home – you simply have to learn to live with your decision and turn your remorse into love. This won’t happen overnight, but by looking at things in a different way, getting to know your home and area more deeply, and finding a way to connect with your new home, you will hopefully come to see that the decision you made is the right one for now. And if you are still itching down the line, then give us a call and we can help you move.

We know that when you decide to put your property on the market the process can feel overwhelming – especially as it can be full of uncertainty. Where do you start? What do you need to do to your home to make sure it doesn’t linger on the market? Take this as your quick guide to those simple décor touches that can highlight and hide, and will help to get your home sold. They will make your house glow and appeal to buyers in the hope that it will be snapped up quickly.

What should you keep and ditch when selling your home?

Keep – Fresh flowers

There is nothing like fresh flowers to make a space feel warm and inviting, it gives the buyer the sense that you care about your home and how it is presented. Think about adding flowers to key spaces such as your dining table, maybe the kitchen island, the living room. You could even think about artificial or dried flowers, succulents or orchids to supplement your displays – a bunch of lavender on a pillow or in the bedroom is always a lovely touch.

Keep – Mirrors

Any room can benefit from a mirror. They brighten the space and can make it appear larger, which is amazing if you live in a smaller home. It’s not only hanging mirrors, think about adding some mirrored finishes – perhaps a vase, tiles, or even the odd piece of furniture, as when strategically placed they can easily enhance a room.

It is also worth thinking about replacing works of art with mirrors, as we all have our own tastes and should they not align with a potential buyer’s preferences it could subconsciously turn them off your home. Use a large wall mirror in a small room, as this adds dimension to the space making it more appealing, and place mirrors near windows so the space can benefit from the reflected light in the room.

Keep – New towels

Ditch – Used towels

Yes, towels. This may seem a strange conversation to have, just like which way the toilet roll should be placed (although the answer is always over, in case you’re curious). Bathrooms are one of those rooms that can win buyers over; they want to see a haven, a spa-like experience that makes them want to relax and ease their stresses away. And nothing screams luxury quite like fluffy new towels, which is why we recommend you purchase a couple that can be used for photographs and viewings.

These sacred towels are there for display purposes only – that is, until you move, then you can get the full experience of wrapping yourself in these glorious bundles of softness.

Keep – good lighting

One quick way your home can turn off buyers is to have no light shining in – there is nothing attractive about a dark and moody home. We would always recommend the rule of three when it comes to lighting your home – by this, we mean having three sources of artificial light per room, such as two table lamps and one floor lamp. Make sure you use clear, incandescent lightbulbs.

In addition, don’t forget to emphasise your home’s natural light – open all your curtains and blinds and cut back any trees that could be stopping light from flooding a room. A light-filled home is welcoming and will sell more quickly.

Keep – Blue

It has been scientifically proven that the colour blue can make people feel more relaxed and calm. That doesn’t mean that you need to grab a paint brush and start adding blue to your walls, as this could see buyers running. You can add blue in a more subtle way, such as adding a blue or teal cushion, a throw or even a planters in your garden.

Ditch – Politics, allegiances

We are all have our opinions, sports teams we support, and groups we may be aligned to. This is great, but not everyone will have the same viewpoint. You may be lucky and only have viewings from similar minded people, but what is more likely is that someone will view your home and instead of focusing on what your property has to offer, they will take away that you have different opinions. Where possible, neutralise your home so it can appeal to the widest number of buyers possible.

Ditch – Collections

You may be passionate about vinyl, be Star Wars obsessed or a Lego nut! But when it comes to preparing your home for sale, find a way to hide your collections or tone them down a lot. A lot of ‘things’ will not only make your home feel cluttered, making buyers think it lacks storage or is smaller than it actually is, but it will also make it hard for a buyer to envision themselves living there. This is never a good thing when you want to sell.

Ditch – The personal

We all have family photos and portraits displayed in our homes, and they are doing no harm – right? Actually, they can hinder your sale, as again buyers will only see you in this house and could struggle to picture themselves living there. It isn’t just photos but also medals, fridge magnets, costumes – anything that reveals too much about your personality or lifestyle. You should make space for buyers to imagine your house as their home.

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